Gingigraft Private Limited
Receding or lowering of gums is a very common problem encountered in the field of dentistry on day to day scenario. Receding gums is a muco-gingival deformity that leads to sensitivity, decay of exposed root, unaesthetic long teeth appearance, loosing of teeth and eventually loss of the tooth leading to morbidity.
To treat this gold standard treatment of Sub-Epithelial Connective Tissue Graft (SECTG) is done where a donor tissue is taken from the palate and used to cover the recession site. But this requires one more surgery in addition to primary surgery of recession management and this increases patient morbidity, pain and discomfort. Also, there is limited availability of the tissue in patients with shallow palate.
Therefore, alternative graft options to substitute the SECTG need to be found out. Gingigraft aims to make ready to use live cellular construct from gingival mesenchymal stem cells (GMSCs)