Biopraxis Private Limited
BioPraxis is developing Medical Devices that enhance patient comfort and aid in recovery process. BioPraxis is working on “Hygiene Aid Robot (HARt). This product is designed to help People who cannot take care of their hygiene needs of passing urine and stools themselves due to immobility /incontinence.
Earlier in 2018 BioPraxis received Biotechnology Ignition Grant (BIG) of Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council (BIRAC). This grant was to develop a pre cartridge to reduce dialysis time significantly to reduce patient morbidity and improve quality of life for the patient as well care giver. BioPraxis completed proof of concept studies and filed a patent for the same. Trials were conducted on a dog and results were reassuring.
BioPraxis is currently supported by Marathwada MedTech Lab, a BIRAC funded RPT centre and MIT group of academic institutions in terms of infrastructure.